Ask your health Concern from anywhare & anytime

You will get quick response about health concern from verified & qualified doctors

Ask a doctor

Verified Doctors / Trusted By Patients / Privacy guaranteed

Here's how its works:

Login or Register for ask your health concern

For new User, required register first
and Login to your account for ask your health concern

Explain your health concern

Describe your medical issue.
Don’t hold back.

Choose how you want an answer

You can ask about your health concern
to a doctor for free

Get quick response

Get quick personalize response
from verified doctor
about your health concern

Note: Not for emergency use

Let’s clear those doubts

PreDoc consult is a free serice for every one and our doctors a doing service to the society for free at PreDoc Consult, and you are assumed a response on PreDoc consult. We assign your health concern to our doctors and you are likely to receive not one but multiple opinions.

Our doctors will give you a best and qulified opinion on your health concern, and help you to select next steps which may require. For an accurate solution you need to book and appointment of an expert doctor and consult directly.

Yes, PreDoc consult is a free service for every one.

We have a strict verification process for every doctor on PreDoc. Any doctor that you consult with is a verified medical practicitioner.

Every questions, queries or consultation on PreDoc is secure, authenticate, private and confidential. Your questions & answer is displayed anonymously. So, no worry for safety issues about your concerns.