Diet Plan For Weight Loss | 10 Tips To Lose Weight Fast

10 Diet Plan Tips For Weight Loss Fast

hey, what's up to one of the most asked questions I have seen every day is what is the best diet plan for weight loss or what do you eat to stay in shape. So in this article, I'm going to share that with you and we're starting right now.

If you read until the end of this article I'll give you five bonus tips to lose weight. Now let's start the reason why people struggle so much to lose weight is that there are thousands of quick fixes and died out.

There some might work but some are not really that good and people will always pick up the weight. If they don't change to a healthy lifestyle so the best diet for weight loss is adapting to a healthy lifestyle.

Now, this is how it works I'm gonna give you ten basic lifestyle changes that. You need to make first you got to stay away from all kinds of sugar now sugar is the biggest drug in the world killing more people than heroin and cocaine.

Combined it contains huge amounts of calories with no essential nutrients. It not only makes you fat but it also increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and many other health problems.

Sleep more consistent and try to get between seven and eight hours of sleep every day. If you don't sleep enough your cortisol levels rise cortisol is your stress hormone. That is frequently associated with fat gain, not enough sleep also causes your body to produce ghrelin. Which is a hormone that increases appetite and promotes fat storage?

You need to know what kind of food is healthy to eat. So you have to eat the following healthy foods.

Number one is nuts: 

They’re one of the best snacks that you can eat. They are loaded with antioxidants that help you to lose weight and lowers cholesterol and if you can choose almonds over other nuts because they are they're healthy.

Number two is beans: 

What I mean beans are packed with protein fiber iron and B vitamins. They will help you to lose weight and prevent heart disease, fight cancer and lower cholesterol. But don't eat too much of them because they can also cause migraines and also raise your blood pressure.

Number three is dairy products

Now I know there's a lot of people that might be against dairy products and that's fine that's your choice. But the majority of studies indicate that good quality dairy products can help with weight loss and improve body composition and it is also a superfood for your bones.

Number four is oatmeal oats: 

One of the healthiest grains that you can choose natural oatmeal without added sugar can help with weight loss. It enhances your immune system and stabilizes blood sugar and it also contains a good amount of fiber protein and vitamin b-complex.

Number five eggs: 

Now eggs are amazing for weight loss one big egg contains only 77 calories it is a superfood that is rich in protein healthy fats vitamins and minerals alright.

Number six is a lean protein:

A lean protein having enough lean protein fuels fat burning lean protein also strengthens your immune system and repairs damaged cells while it also manufactures hormones.

Number seven is to choose the right oils:

You got to choose the right kinds of oils to choose olive oil or coconut oil instead of sunflower or canola or all those other kinds of bad oils. Real olive oil is packed with vitamin E and antioxidants and coconut oil is high in medium-chain triglycerides. Which are fatty acids that are metabolized differently? Than most other fats and this leads to beneficial effects on metabolism and helping you to lose weight.

Number eight is eating whole grains or a whole week:

How its bread and pasta have more fiber and is more filling compared to normal bread or pasta. People that choose whole-wheat products to have a lower risk of obesity and lower cholesterol stay away from any kind of refined starches. 

Where the inner and outer most layers of the grain are removed when they make the flour. Which causes it to lose its fiber and protein now these are fine starches act a lot like sugar once your body starts to digest them.

Number nine is the whey protein:

Only use it if you are working out whey protein is probably the best source to help you with weight loss. Why well because it is the most thermogenic food source let me explain it more plainly white protein burns the most calories after you consume it.

Number ten is fruit:

Research shows that fruit can help you with your weight loss journey. If you have a sweet craving choose fruits. Because it contains natural fructose and fiber healthy fruits also reduces the risk of cancer diabetes, stroke, heart attack, and high blood pressure.

The fruit that will help you to lose weight. The most are berries and grapefruit yes there are other fruits as well but those are my favorite.

Next is leafy green vegetables for a healthy lifestyle and weight loss: 

They include kale spinach collards Swiss chard and a few others now. They are very low in calories while being loaded with fiber eating. Leafy greens are perfect for increasing the volume of your meals without increasing the calories.

They are very high in many vitamins antioxidants and minerals which aids in fat burn. Alright now that you know the basic kind of food types to eat let's move on to lifestyle change.

In addition, stay away from soft drinks like coke for lose weight:

Why it is very scary? How most of the world's population became used to drinking soda every day? It acts as a type of drug because it is addictive and just after 16 minutes, it can deplete nutrients that make you hungrier and also thirsty for more. 

It is crazy to know that there are around 40 grams of sugar in one can of coke. Which is around 8 teaspoons of sugar. When you drink Coke or other soft drinks, your blood sugar levels increase dramatically causing a burst of insulin the liver. 

Then turns the high amount of sugar circulating in your body into fat. Drink between one and a half to two liters of water per day, water is not only good for flushing toxins from your body. But it also helps you to lose weight. 

Recent studies show that water speeds up weight loss. Water contains no calories and it boosts your metabolism. You have to read your food labels. Oh, guys, it is so important the food industry has changed a lot. 

The food industry is there to make money and they are very clever in their marketing to mislead. You here are just a few crazy facts that you did not know. If you see low-fat or fat-free products, it does not mean that it is more healthy. 

Most products take out the fat but then they add more sugar for the taste. Which is far far worse and then when some products say that it is sugar-free, there are all kinds of artificial sweeteners. That causes all sorts of controversy and it may cause weight gain. 

 Even free juice went from health food to junk food, because the food industry started to add sugar and water. They even add sugar to most Brides. So check the labels for sugar and fructose syrup which is a kind of sugar. From all the options of healthy food that you have to choose and eat the food. 

That makes you happy because starting a new diet for most people is easier said than done right. So the trick is you have to learn, how to make healthy food into delicious food? That you love to make this a lasting habit start with small changes and try new ways of thinking about food.  

 Drink more green tea and coffee, yes I said its coffee. I know there's a lot of people that might disagree with me about coffee, but here goes, unlike soft drinks. Coffee is good for you. If you don't drink too much and don't add any sugar.

Coffee gives your metabolism a good boost which helps you to lose more weight and coffee has a huge amount of antioxidants that give you a boost to your short-term memory. While it also lowers the risk of certain cancers and diabetes. 

Coffee can also enhance exercise performance and curbs depression. It even protects you against gout. Now some people believe that coffee is very bad for you, but at the same time, those same people drink sugar-loaded drinks like Coke. Which is a lot worse. 

Now let's look at green tea, green tea is well known for its weight loss effects right! But what you might not know is that it also improves brain function. While it lowers the risk of cancer Alzheimer's and Parkinson's green tea also kills certain bacteria like, the bacteria that cause bad breath and it lowers the risk of infection. 

Try intermittent fasting to lose more weight, in my opinion, is one of the best diets out there that lower insulin and blood sugar levels. While at the same time it also raises your glucagon levels. Which helps you to lose more weight faster. 

Now there are six popular ways to do intermittent fasting and I would suggest the 16/8 method. What does that mean well, it means that you fast for 16 hours and the other eight hours you eat. Yeah I know it sounds rough, but you can do it. 

If you don't eat anything after dinner and skipping your breakfast, but you can, of course, drink water or black coffee during the fast and just be careful before you try intermittent fasting. If you're a beginner because you might get headaches heartburn or you might start binge eating drinking too much. 

Coffee or not eating enough also some people find it very hard to sleep. To be honest, I don't like any kind of diet that restricts me in any kind of way. Sometimes, I eat between five and six times per day. If I feel like it and I don't pick up. 

Anyway if I just eat small portion sizes and if I make the portion sizes even smaller. I end up losing weight. Yeah know there's a lot of people that won't agree with me and they say your insulin levels if you eat too much and then there's no way. 

You can lose weight but I'll lose weight to eat a cheap meal now and then. Because let's be honest the reason why most people struggle to lose weight is because of what's going on in their heads.

It is psychological for example, I hate counting the exact calories of everything that I eat. So I don't do it. Another example is I love pizza so every once in a while, I will go and have my pizza and I will enjoy it. 

I won’t feel guilty about it. So if you started this lifestyle change and it’s very hard for you at the beginning. But reward yourself with a delicious pizza or anything else you like.

But hey just don’t overdo it. Once a week is enough. Now I told you if you read this article right until the end, I'll give you five quick bonus tips for losing weight. So here he goes.

Tip number first drinks one big glass of water - first thing when you wake up in the morning when you sleep your metabolism slows down. So when you drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up, it fires up your metabolism at night time. Your body repairs itself and casts out all kinds of toxins from your body. So when you drink water on an empty stomach early in the morning it flushes out these toxins. 

Tip number second does your workout before you have your breakfast – 

If you work out before breakfast your body burns a lot fatter however some people do not like to exercise without having breakfast. Because they feel very low in energy so it is up to you have to enjoy the lifestyle to keep you motivated, in the long run, don't do any unnecessary things that break you down emotionally. So, you might change back to your old habits if you can’t make a change now if you want to start working out at home. 

Tip number three if you wanna lose weight quicker just eat lean protein and green vegetables cut out all the carbs –

For a few days by cutting out all starchy carbs and other foods except lean protein and green vegetables. You will boost your weight loss in but do not do it too long, because your body will also need other foods as well.

Tip number four eat your food slowly – 

Studies found that fat people chew their food less than people with normal weight to eat. Your food slower you need to chew your food at least several times before you eat.

Tip number five eat smaller portions – 

If you create a habit of eating smaller portions then you will consume fewer calories, which results in faster weight loss. Think of it in this way if you want to be 60 kilograms, but you still eat the portion sizes of someone that is 80 kilograms. 

What do you think is going to happen? Alright, if you liked this article then don't forget to share it with your friends.

Created On: 2020-12-10 17:28:54 Posted By: Dr. Hardik Patel
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